Your sanctuary for healing your nervous system, deprograming your core beliefs, and aligning with the prosperity of your life.



Soul Adventurer!

Join Us

The Soul Gathering Membership is open to new members now, offering a special founding member rate of only $27 that will never rise!

This is your invitation to a safe, nurturing space dedicated to healing, transformation, and rewiring your nervous system.

Here, you'll connect with your intuitive gifts and deepen your spiritual journey, strengthening your bond with your authentic self and divine insights.

Every month, you'll gain access to exclusive resources, live sessions with me, and the chance to experience soul healings during members-only events!


What is Included?

Bimonthly sessions every first and third Saturday at 8 AM PT for 60 minutes. Dive deep into restorative breathwork that helps you recognize and reset your stress responses.

Unable to attend? No worries, there will be replays available. You will have ongoing access to a library of sessions to replay when ever you need extra support.

Register now and get access to my 5-Day Core Stress Reset Retreat replay plus a 20-minute on-demand Restorative Breathwork session to use whenever you need to get out of fight or flight response.

A free bio-energetic subconscious report and frequency transmission, tailored to identify and address the root causes of your stress at a subconscious level.

An amazing community of seekers and a professional coaching guiding the way, all dedicated to personal growth.


Lisa’s teachings and guidance are profound and have initiated profound changes within me and in my life.

I had extreme anxieties, and I feel that the breathwork has really helped reset, recalibrate, and soothe my body which has been in PTSD mode for years.

I did the breathing exercises, and the result? Phenomenal. I was sent on a truly epic breathwork journey, wisdom was imparted to me which has forever changed and liberated me.

A new reality, a new world exists for me now–one in which I know I’m ok and can feel ok.

Lisa’s work holds so much truth and is so profound because she has experienced exactly what she teaches. These are the best kind of teachers and mentors and why her teachings actually work.

Karyn I.

Lisa Wilson’s approach is very dynamic, incorporating several approaches to resolving personal issues.

My issue was dealing with my ‘shadow self’. Lisa listened intently and gave me several homework items to write and meditate on.

Almost like magic and within a week, I experienced a total shift in my awareness and felt a burden released from my past.

I have a high regard for Lisa and her work and will promise that if you follow her guidance and do the work she advises, you too will experience great results. Sending you big hug from Italy.

Kirk G.


In the Soul Gathering, you will heal core beliefs, regulate stress responses, and uncover the wisdom within your subconscious.

Step into confidence as you learn to trust and act on your intuition.

The SOUL GATHERING is a supportive community where you'll discover your inner wisdom and regulate your nervous system.

You’ll learn to trust yourself and the messages from your higher self that surround you every day.

As your nervous system regulates, your life will take on a whole new experience of calm, peace and living aligned with your authentic self

The doors to The Soul Gathering Membership are currently open, offering a special founding member rate of only $27 that will never rise.

Annual memberships also available with one month free!

(This exclusive opportunity is limited to just the first 20 members)

You'll benefit from over 30 years of pioneering healing work and the development of the Restorative Breathwork Method.

The Soul Gathering Membership offers powerful tools to not only soothe but fundamentally rewire your nervous system.

Discover the profound truth: our inner patterns mirror our outer life experiences.

Our transformative path involves setting divine intentions, addressing challenges that are presenting in your life, and using RBM to fully regulate the nervous system.

Each month,I will activate Bio-Energetic Frequencies that help heal dysregulation in your nervous system, significantly elevating your vibrational energy and consciousness.




Join now to receive your personalized Bio-Energetic subconscious pattern report and learn about what has been causing your stress responses! PLUS, you will get access to the 5-Day Core Stress Reset replay AND a complimentary 20-min Restorative Breathwork session ON DEMAND!


A safe community equipped with the tools and support needed to heal your nervous system and deepen your intuition and divine connection.

Join the Soul Gathering Membership and ...

Embrace the opportunity to navigate significant life changes and become who you are meant to be.

As a member, you'll receive:

  • Your personalized Bio-energetic Healing scan and subconscious programming printout, revealing the root causes of stress-related experiences in your life.
  • Lessons on setting divine intentions to directly address and heal imbalances.
  • Guided Restorative Breathwork sessions to ground you and connect you to your soul’s path.
  • Monthly guided experiences designed to enhance your clarity and deepen your understanding of nervous system regulation, signs of unhealed hidden trauma, removing blocks to synchronicities, and manifestations.

Here's What's Included...

Restorative Breathwork Method Sessions

Restorative Breathwork Method Sessions are central to the Soul Gathering Membership, designed to help you identify and break free from repetitive stress patterns and imbalances in your life.

Here’s what each session includes:

Clarity: Understanding the specific cycles of stress that have been affecting you, setting the stage for targeted healing.

Divine Intentions: I guide you through setting powerful, personalized intentions that anchor your healing journey.

Breathwork: Engage in 15 to 20 minutes of deep breathwork to regulate your body’s responses and promote emotional release.

Energy Clearing: After breathwork, we focus on clearing and transforming the energies that emerge, ensuring a profound release and renewal.

Powerful Intention Setting, Your Divine Magic Wand

Unlock the secret behind the transformative power of intentions.

Discover why some intentions lead to success and others don't, and how to choose the ones that genuinely support your journey.

We will dive into the difference between intentions rooted in ego verses those that connect with your soul.

Learn how setting the right intentions can open doors to new possibilities, guiding you towards a path of deeper fulfillment and realization.

Breaking the Karmic Loop Through Breathwork

Breathwork is designed to uncover and dissolve the blocks that have been preventing your progress and held in your nervous system, allowing you to confront and release the deep-seated issues that have kept you captive.

After the Breathwork session, I'll lead you through an impactful healing process to address and transform unresolved emotions, painful memories, self-sabotage habits, and any other barriers that emerge.

Bioenergetic Scan and Healing using Advanced Technology

Uncover and release energetic blocks you might be carrying that is keeping you stuck so you can move forward with effortless ease and flow.

Remove deep-seated subconscious barriers enabling a life of emotional stability and resilience in the face of challenges.

Stabilize and soothe your nervous system for optimal well-being, peace of mind, and staying balanced.

Elevate your vibrational energy, opening your channels for boundless joy and fulfillment. 

Restore and amplify the harmony in your energy field so that you can resonate with and attract positive experiences and relationships into your life.

Integration and Q/A Sessions

Two weeks after each Restorative Breathwork Method Session, we reconvene for an Integration Session.

This is a crucial part of the healing process, allowing you to reflect on the changes and insights that have emerged since our last meeting.

During these sessions, we will:

Review and Reflect: We discuss what has presented itself in the two weeks following our breathwork session. This is a time to observe and note the shifts in your patterns and responses.

Healing and Shifting: Based on your experiences and the issues that surfaced, we engage in targeted healing work to further shift and resolve these patterns.

Q&A: This is your opportunity to ask questions and gain further clarity on your journey, ensuring you feel supported and informed.

Integration Sessions are designed to solidify the changes initiated in the breathwork sessions, ensuring that your transformation is supporting your nervous system and stress responses. This session helps you integrate your new insights and changes into your daily life.

PLUS...You also receive these gifts when you join!

5-Day Core Stress Reset replay. Learn how to...

  • Regulate your nervous system so that you can remain calm and composed, even in stressful situations.
  • Identify and release stored trauma so that you can move forward without the weight of the past holding you back.
  • Create powerful intentions to heal and calm your nervous system so that you can establish a new baseline of peace.
  • Learn how to practice mindful breathing techniques so that you can access a state of inner peace and clarity at any moment.


20-Minute Restorative Breathwork Session ON DEMAND

  • Calm your nervous system whenever needed to reset your stress reactions and live a happier, healthier life.

Lisa J Wilson

Author | Transformation Breathwork Expert

Hi, I'm Lisa

My Restorative Breathwork Method blends practical techniques with deep insights, inspired by my training in Neo-Shamanic Breathwork, with a special focus on Archetypes.

Alongside, I bring experience as a Reiki Master/Teacher, NLP Master Coach, and a certification in hypnotherapy and subconscious programming.

Overcoming my personal battles with narcissistic abuse and its profound effects on the nervous system ignited my passion to assist others in healing from trauma and deeply ingrained stress response patterns.

The Soul gathering Membership takes you on a journey to rewire your stress responses and reprogram your nervous system to respond rather than react, and to create a life that reflects your true essence. It's about becoming a complete, whole person, free from the reactions made when triggers ignite survival beliefs.

This course is dedicated to your journey towards what you've always been searching for but didn't know how to find.

Will You Join me? And start changing your life and relationships for the better.

Transformative Voices

Empowering Journeys Unveiled

Much is unraveling within me now. It feels so good to have a path to follow as I let go of the relationships that have been draining me.

Sarha S.

Your program is very helpful and it is exactly what I needed as my next step towards healing.
Sending you big hug from Italy.

Martyna T.


What if I miss a day?

While consistency is key to getting the most out of the membership, It's understandable that life can be unpredictable. If you miss a day, try to make it up when you can. All materials and recordings will be available for future reference on the replay page.

How much time do I need to complete the course each week?

Generally, you will need around 1 to 1.5 hours each day. That includes reading the materials, and completing the Breathwork. 

Some people prefer to take more time and move through the course at a slower pace. The course is designed to heal your stress response and it's suggested to participate daily for the best results. Either way, you have access to the recordings for a limited amount of time afterwards.

When do we begin?

You will receive access to the course, and bonuses from Saturday May 18th, 2024 until the end of the course.

Will I have to share personal experiences during the course?

Sharing is encouraged during group discussions and Zoom calls to assist you in healing core beliefs and support one another. However, what you share is entirely up to you, and your comfort and privacy are of utmost importance.

What if I need extra support?

Reach out, I am here to answer all your questions.


Select your membership plan:

Convenient Monthly Founders Rate of $27


Annual Founders Rate of $297 (one month free!)

Note, you will first sign up for the program, then land on the payment page to select your program. Welcome!

Join now to receive your personalized Bio-Energetic subconscious pattern report and frequency transmission, and learn about what has been causing your stress responses!

PLUS, the 5-Day Core Stress Reset Retreat Replay AND a 20-minute On Demand Restorative Breathwork Session!